Our Vision


The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ has come down to Earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay the penalty for sinners like us, and rose again three days later to conquer sin, death, and the grave. Therefore, by placing our trust in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us, we can have all of our sins forgiven, enter into a loving relationship with God, and receive the promise that we will live eternally with Him in heaven.

Yet, the gospel not only impacts our eternal destiny, but also how we are to live here on Earth. Because of the great love that Jesus has shown us on the cross, we are to joyfully and passionately follow him in all that we say and do. Which is why our vision here at First Baptist is to see Muscatine and the World live in light of the gospel. We believe that churches that are living in light of the gospel will do three things: Worship God, Grow in Christ, and Send Disciples.

Core Value #1: Worshiping God

Many people associate worship simply with singing or a Sunday gathering.  But here at First Baptist our desire is to be a church that worships God with all of our lives.  We want to honor Him in our jobs, our families, how we love our neighbors, our finances, our conversations, and whenever we gather as a church.

Core Value #2: Growing in Christ

We desire to be a church that is constantly becoming more like Jesus.  This means we are first seeking to grow in our love for God, as we spend time studying His Word, praying, and singing to Him.  Secondly, we are aiming to grow in our love for each other by encouraging, serving, and praying for one another in small groups.

Core Value #3: Sending Disciples

A disciple is simply someone who follows Jesus.  We believe that every follower of Christ is called to go make disciples of others.  Therefore, here at First Baptist we are seeking to equip every believer to go share the good news of all that Jesus has done for us, while helping them to follow Jesus, too.  We want to be sending out our members to go reach their co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family.  In addition, we aspire to send out teams of disciples to plant churches and reach and the rest of the world.